Scaffolding assembly and dismantling: readiness and safety
ZamarSrl has Assembly Teams composed of safety supervisors and specialized personnel able to offer very fast assembly processing always respecting the guarantee of the safety measures and of the quality and efficiency standards required by law. When requested by the customer, we can provide only the assembly and dismantling service by specialized personnel.
Furthermore, all assembly teams working in the building sites, follow strict procedures, guarantee the compliance of the project, the Operational Safety Plan and the Plan for Assembling, Use and Dismantling of Scaffolding.
The workers of each Assembly Team are regularly trained and attend the professional courses listed below to improve their qualifications:
– Basic Course on Safety DL81/2008 and Accident Preventions at work Art. 37 D.lgs 81/08
– Course for workers and supervisors of the Assembly, Dismantling and Transformation of Scaffoldings art. 136 e all. XXI D.lgs 81/08
– First aid course (as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO D.lgs 81/08 and D.M. 388/2003
– Fire prevention Course as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO D.lgs 81/08 and D.M. 10 Marzo 1998
– Building Sites Health and Safety Supervisor course as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO D.lgs 81/08
– Course for Platform Lifts Operators as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO D.lgs 81/08 and D.lgs 359/99
– Course for Forklift Trucks Operators as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO D.lgs 81/08 and D.lgs 359/99
– Specialized Training for Confined Areas Operators as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO art. 66 all. IV and D.P.R. 177/11
– Boom Truck Crane Operator Course as foreseen by the Administrative Order/AO D.lgs 81/08 and D.lgs 359/99